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The Amalgamated Order

Established ​ 1994
North Pole

Become a Member
From this page, you can Become A Member or Renew Your Dues,
if you are already a Member of AORBS.
On this page, you will find an application in text form, and a link to Paypal. This page is for New Members and Existing Members alike. Existing Members using this page to pay your dues, please fill out the Application Information again, to help us ensure that our records are current and correct.
Dowload this Text File Applicationand follow the instructions in the text file.
If you would like to send in this application via email, send it to; the Membership ElfTo send it via Snail Mail, follow the instructions in the text file.
By Paying your dues, you hereby agree to abide by the following guidelines.
NEW MEMBERS: To pay your Membership Dues via Paypal, click the following button;
All men who have a real beard grown by self and not an attached real hair or designer beard, Have acted, performed, or appeared as Santa with the aforementioned real beard, in any manner, whatsoever, Agree to abide by policies as designated by AORBS, and Agree not to make unfavorable comments about a fellow member of AORBS on any public forum.
Please provide your Name and Address as listed in your application.

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